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Final applications

We offer innovative solutions for your all printing needs and we help you to choose your ideal machine.

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With innovative products and cutting-edge technologies you can create your packaging by decreasing its manufacturing time, saving on production costs and always guaranteeing high quality printing and color rendering.

juice imm vetrina
Beverage & Liquid Food

Polylaminated paperboard long shelf life packaging for liquid food products, such as milk, juices, wine, eggs and non...

Alimenti e pet food
Food and Pet Food

To ensure the preservation and freshness of your product, your food and pet food packaging must be printed with quality...

Casa e ufficio
Home and Office

Home and office products require dedicated printing for paper bags, pouches, adhesive labels, gift wrapping paper, and...


Our machines make it possible to print durable, high-quality industrial packaging to transport and safeguard different...

Applicazioni speciali
Special Applications

By special applications we mean printing on substrates that require special processing, such as bills, passports...

Salute e Igiene personale
Health and Personal Hygiene

Personal care is very important: that's why, thanks to the innovative technologies featured in our machines, it is...

Packaging Recycling Record

In 2021, Italy recycled 73.3% of the packaging placed on the market: 10 million and 550 thousand tons. A bit higher percentage compared to the record of 2020, in which a level of start-up recycling was close to 73%, and a result that well exceeds the 65% of total recycling, requested from Europe to all its members by 2025. All this in a year of strong recovery in consumption, which saw an exponential increase in the consumption of packaging: over 14 million tons, approximately 8.5% more than the previous year. This is the picture that Conai draws in its new General Program, which reports the results of the country in 2021.