Aluminium finds great use in the food industry for making packaging and containers intended to come in contact with food, such as disposable tubs, yogurt pots, pet food cans, freshness-saving liners, etc. With our rotogravure, flexo and C&L presses, you can choose your desired output from a wide range of high-tech models.
For this type of packaging, the print quality that our machines, such as the Diamond HP flexo and the roto range Next/NXS, can offer you is always important. As with other food-grade packaging, it is critical that the material be treated in a way that ensures that the food it contains remains fresh and flavorful.
Uteco's machines can handle the most difficult and unique processes, such as printing on food trays. In handling this type of material, it is necessary to be able to guarantee excellent resistance to chemicals, the ability to support heat sealing, and a good resistance against moisture.
To customize pouches in the personal care industry, excellent color rendering and printing accuracy are very important. Thanks to our machines, it is possible to work with all kinds of materials and formats to create your pouches.
Packaging intended for coffee must have an excellent print output that communicates the quality and value of the product contained within to the end customer. For this reason, it is essential for Uteco to ensure printing and laminating presses that preserve the accuracy of the image and the aroma and freshness of the coffee.
Even for chocolate, the main commitment of any packaging is to guarantee and preserve the fragrance and freshness of the product contained within. Uteco's printing and laminating machines ensure top-of-the-line quality at all times.
Packaging in the pharmaceutical sector must comply with very strict regulations to ensure the health of the end users, and the integrity of the medicine itself, at the same time. Rely on our printing presses.
Which one can we consider to be the first example of packaging in the history? The first true forms of product packaging date back to the era of the Ancient Greeks. Indeed, you should know that, to transport precious stones or the olive oil to all the greek cities, men were used to use amphorae as a means of transportation for these materials. Therefore, this can be idetified as the first model in the history of packaging.