Food and Pet Food
To ensure the preservation and freshness of your product, your food and pet food packaging must be printed with quality machines such as those offered by Uteco, enabling you to comply with the relevant regulations in use in the countries of distribution.
All of our printing machines, due to their precision and quality of printing and laminating, can work on a variety of film types. Uteco's machines guarantee maximum material performance in terms of strength and malleability, especially for food use.
When it comes to printing food products, the highest quality in the printing and laminating machine market is required. Uteco presses enable a very high output yield, making every packaging a guarantee.
The market demands more plastic-derived products for this sector because they are very strong and stable: rely on Uteco machines to achieve high-quality packaging that guarantees maximum performance and cost-effectiveness.
Uteco's machines can handle the most difficult and unique processes, such as printing on food trays. In handling this type of plastic material, it is necessary to be able to guarantee excellent resistance to chemicals, the ability to support heat sealing, and a good resistance against moisture.
We can print food-grade plates in different formats on various types of paper, such as glossed, rolled, and coated thanks to a range of high-tech printing and laminating machines.
For this type of packaging, the print quality that our machines, such as the Diamond HP flexo and the roto range Next/NXS, can offer you is always important. As with other food-grade packaging, it is critical that the material be treated in a way that ensures that the food it contains remains fresh and flavorful.
The packaging is commonly defined as an object made of various materials, with the intention of storing, protecting, transporting, shipping or presenting the products inside. Historically, the primary function of packaging is to protect the product, and facilitate transport. Over the years, however, he has also taken on other roles: information and marketing.
As for the protective role, traditionally, the product's packaging plays a fundamental role in the conservation and transport of the same, preventing any damage and extending its duration. This takes on even greater importance in the food industry, where products, often perishable, need to be stored in specific conditions. Innovation in the field of packaging allows the use of new materials that ensure greater integrity of the product itself, a longer shelf-life, and also a greater sustainability.